About us
In the early 2000's, founder Winsonning found himself at school in the USA where he encountered a rare collection of campaign gear once belonging to a USA Ghurka commander. There were boots, belts, backpacks, all almost 100 years old, yet the leather remained supple, sturdy and full of character. Captivated by the collection, he returned to the Hong Kong and start to work his first Filson bag. In 2002, with the world's finest leathers, the upmost attention to detail and respect for the craft, he found Red Wing shoes, quality is still handmaking the Original Collection today.

Our Commitment
Red Wing and Filson is handmade by real people - artisans who have spent their lives learning the art of making beautiful and practical things out of fine material. Many of these artisans have been crafting Filson bags throughout their 40 year history and reside in Seatle USA. Our commitment is that it has been made with the utmost attention to detail and respect for othe craft. Filson, Red Wing has set out to manufacture the highest quality handcrafted leather goods available. This has always begun with using only the finest hides in the world. While there are endless varieties of material available, only a handful pass the rigorous selection process required to bear both medallion.
We AL ALBA go on sourcing new brand with proud of quality for you.